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Sunday, December 12, 2010


Let's take a detour from the unraveling of the author's Pandora's box...Instead let's enjoy her every Sunday fishing of reflections and collection of God's word and messages...Her idea of being revived, rejuvenated, refreshed and reborn...December 12,2010...Her Daddy's Message to her
(the bunny is named HAPPY...a gift received on her 23rd birthday)

I am always tagged as someone with a fervent, bubbly and jovial personality, yeah indeed that's me alright. The life of the party as others would say; there is never-a-dull-moment-when-your-with-her kind of regard; most people would laugh in my presence...It may be my personality as others would justify, but the enthusiasm is MY CHOICE- its my way of life and its ME. Without JOY I am not me. But laughing out loud is not the sole exhibition of joy or happiness, even a simple contented smile will do to express that joy or happiness. It is even found within and radiated with our outward acts towards others. Better yet its A CHOICE...

Today when I attended church ( this is the church where it made me fall in love with GOD's word even more, it made me embrace God's word far more than the works of literature but as my daily guide paving the path to a righteous life...HIS GRACE) and the message today is " NEVER GIVE AWAY YOUR JOY"

It's very easy to find reason to be joyful each day if you want to: appreciating God's creation, His gift of life; His gift of person and for the opportunity to experience His love once more because of a new day; and yet if you are bound to the realities of this world where adversities, hurdles and challenges are present smite by evil rulings your GRIP to the Joy is drained, sucked out until its gone...reaching to a point you find no reason to smile...Others choose to live out of it which makes them eventually grumpy, callous and irate while others allow themselves to be consumed by these thus turn out to be vulnerable, soft and weak...Another, even with the absence of challenges, this time emotions specifically anger. Most of us have poor anger/temper management, we have tendencies to retaliate and get even to those whom we deem interfered our peace, stepped on our rights and those who offended us ( from talking behind our backs to stealing something important from us). These disturb us and crack us, we eventually flame up and breathe fire... ( for imagination sake like a overheated-teapot whistling this is far more acceptable than a fire-breathing dragon..hahahhahaha: now on to the show) ... These may be reasons to forget how to smile,to be unfamiliar of the sensation (a tinge in your belly that cause a boisterous laughter), or not even spell the word Joy.

Realities caused by evil forces may be devastating, may put to test or shatter our JOYFUL STANCE our REJOICING our CELEBRATION...These circumstances remind us TO HOLD ON UNTO HIM... and by this I mean this :

Matthew 11:28-30 " Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you ( YOKE: is the equipment that fastens two ox together) , and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find REST unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

With Joy in our hearts there is content; there is LETTING GO and LETTING IT BE; SURRENDERING...Oh I know what's the perfect word... REST... RESTING IN HIM...YOU WILL EXPERIENCE YOUR BALANCE...you will be surprised you will keep your COOL...

KNOWING GOD IS WORKING WHEN YOU ARE RESTING... and that Your Daddy will never leave you nor forsake you...YOU FIND EVERY REASON to SMILE and be JOYOUS...REJOICING in HIS NAME and HIS GLORY...

-In every unfortunate events, there is always a valuable lesson REASON for you to be happy and be grateful
- In every dark tunnel there is always an end REASON to be HAPPY
- In every storm there is always a rainbow after it REASON to be HAPPY
( you can name few more...)

AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED... Even if I fail, hurt, stumble, fall, feel awkward, unwanted or even rejected...these are not enough REASON TO GIVE AWAY MY JOY...You Might forget...I'M GRACE... I LIVE A LIFE UNDER HIS GRACE....REASON- TO BE HAPPY EVERYDAY.


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