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Sunday, October 20, 2013

New Hope Movie- Loving those you HATE

Loving those who love you is easy: but loving those who hate you is challenging--- NEW HOPE Movie... I realized- To live in an ocean of differences and unwanted realities is indeed difficult; these hormones flushing- emotions uninvited can spoil a strongly built relationship- it can make you feel you do not matter or you are not valued -in turn you cause menace to people that surrounds you.... That's the call for people who are overjoyed and blessed with so much endearment and love to give it away- extend it- so that those who only knew Hate, Anger, Depression- those who felt cursed- would know what love is... I am too having challenges- I felt Im the only one giving and contributing to a relationship and I felt drained- but isn't that the call for unconditional love? But we say- we are not Jesus or God only Him can do that, we are not even capable of that.... But it came to me He once said we are created in His image and likeness so we are called to be Him in His likeness- Yes they dont say to be Him but be just like Him.... In every circumstance we get to pause and ask What would He do? What would Jesus do? I think thats why He Became HUMAN so we can easily relate to Him and have Him as reference... He is indeed a genius...Oh man! That is definitely crazy- me swallowing my pride? I just threw in unneccessary words and blurted out hatred and anger so this means to say I have to get it back? That's a really hard challenge especially for a human being caging an EGO... But its worth a try.. Its His call I just have to obey it...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fairytale amidst my Reality (DAY DREAM) 2: HELL IN MY MUNDANE: HEAVEN IN MY HEART

I brought with me my diary which I used to keep when I was in first year high school when I came to Singapore, thinking if I have time I will encode everything I wrote on my diary. It was my attempt to check how was I back then, and to preserve my day dreamer, idealistic beyond measure imaginative self. Before when I was transitioning from a child to puberty I was a bit isolated when I was in the house because we do not have plenty of playmates in the neighborhood to play with plus the fact that my parents do not allow us to go out and mingle with other children in our neighborhood; and every time I have some heart aches or if I want to do something to entertain myself I write and create a dreamworld far harmonious with my desires; or sometimes if there is a presence of a very strong emotion I channel it to my diary...I scribble words until the pain goes away...

This very first literature I wrote, I am not certain if this is a poem or a narration or just the way I want it to be; this baptized my diary; this work was inspired when I was scolded by my mother for wanting to go out with friends, I was making my way to puberty and curiosity begins and the real parenting starts on their end... I was so angry at her that I exhausted it to this work....but along the way I added up my own spices to complete it and give it a touch of my imagination... The whole I hate my mom part that was there was my present during that time but the realization was all future tense at that moment, words written to balance my emotion and soothe me when I was writing it... Its only by now 2011 that I saw the impact of this specific work, when I tried to check on what was written on this diary of mine, when I was reading it and counter checking my reality, my present;when I saw the change in me and who helped me out of it and what was my journey like all these years; I was surprised that this work made sense to me now...just now...the realizing part that what was written seemed to exist to my recent encounters and to my now, turns out to be TRULY MAGICAL FOR ME,because only one author is capable of bringing the STORY INTO LIFE, the GREATEST AUTHOR OF ALL TIME, once HE PUTS HIS OWN VERSION OF SPEED-BALL PEN AND HIS POWERFUL INK then the scribbles will eventually be moving and inspiring... this was very overwhelming for me that I feel I need to share it and post it on my blog...My hands right now cannot even follow the handwriting I used to have before 11 years ago...

Come and take a look and read...what an awesome realization I had, and the boy on this story, poem or whatever this is, existed...minus the fact he whispered and blah blah blah in which of course just adds drama and moments on the story...but he did exist and I hope and pray he continues to exist....He did bring change in my life and he clothe me with goodness, and the funny thing was, in which some skeptics would tag as pure coincidence but most believers would name it serendipity, most of the symbolism, metaphor or objects used are all associated with water, that made me soooo laugh indeed... this was way way way long ago before I met him that this work was written...I made mention of river, fish, ocean, dive and the like....but this is my blogsite... this is my story, I will believe what I want to believe with His blessings...

(the beauty of this work is the innocence of the use of words, it was all from the fabric of my imagination, I have not gone through much when I was writing the story. The simple usage of terms, the childish notion are even evident but the work seemed refreshing, rejuvenating and keeps you on track with your youth)

Hell in My Mundane: Heaven in My heart

I was nurtured and raised by evil

The woman who had brought me up

She wrapped my heart with badness

She kept the goodness in the deepest oceans

As leaves fall I became a monster all my life

I never had known light nor the sun

I never had known the world but myself alone

As I face the Mirror I was horrified not because I saw my reflection

But because I no longer recognize myself

I asked the woman WHY?

Why she had kept me and turned me away from the world

Yet she remained quiet and still

I had to go out and search the answers by myself

I was released from the dungeons of hell

I was out from the raging fire

I had abandoned darkness

A new world I stepped in

Don’t know if I can see home around its terrestrials

I learned to smile but I can’t totally fade away the scar of the past

The painful wound it had given me

The mark carved on my personality

People treated me as a complete stranger

No one welcomed me

No one had seen my struggle

No one had seen my desire

No one tried to see that I am not the way I used to be

No one had ever appreciate me

I never wished to clothe myself with darkness nor badness

I was confused if I am to blame and hate the woman

I wish I did not step in the world I used to live before

Nor I wish I never had been in the world I am into now

I wish to cry but I cannot tears dried up because of pain

I was sad but no one to lean on

But if I were with the woman somehow she will accompany me and will never leave me

So I decided to go back maybe she might be right

The world out here is harsh that kills me unknowingly

I realized I do not need freedom I need presence of someone

I felt it by the woman’s lap

Along the way I met someone he had persevered to know the real me

He had dig my heart and saved me from erosion

He poured me with water

He dived the deepest ocean and relieved myself from the ocean of life

He returned the lost sheep and gave back my heart

He killed the monster in me He showed me kindness

He taught me goodness

Yet I needed to leave and search for the woman

I’m afraid to take him with me

He might know where I used to belong

He might see the world I used to live before

He whispered in my ears; it caresses my earlobes and tickled my heart

His words were sweet and go like this

I’ll never forget, wherever you may be my heart will always be with you

I’ve never seen someone so much like you

You’re the rarest fish I’ve ever seen in the river of love

I was astonished, before those words exist in the woman’s lips

I was ashamed of myself

I need to tell him

So I did

He smiled at me with his pretty face

I was stunned of his expression, “Go on, I’ll be here by your side.”

With tears I walked away with happiness and full of love

As I walk along the alleys of darkness I saw hatred, revenge, I see anger in my heart

Yet I cannot help it; I hurried and embraced her; she spoke words, I see answers in her mouth

So I close my eyes as she whispers and listen intently to the woman’s words

My child for you to see the real happiness; you need to lose politeness;

Need not to show yourself to others

Let others know the real you

Let not your heart be terrified

Knowing people do not recognize you

For they are ignorant and blind

People who see are people who are willing to give the earth in your hand

And I told her I almost did

As I turned back the whole place changed, revealing a luxurious paradise

I saw the guy who cradled me with love upon the carpet of flowers

Before I knew it I was clothe with goodness

Upon that day I smiled as if forever

I heard gravel upon my heart because of guilt

I should not have judged the woman that way

What she wants is my happiness and she wanted me to be safe

She only protected me

All she wanted is for me to fall into the right hands

It was not black magic or witchcraft she bestowed on me

It was love and care

She did not wrap me with evil but instead with learning

She did not imprison me but set me free to know myself but away from criticism

Yet I was so narrow

Did not understand her

I needed to grow up to do so

I bet it is part of life like seasons change over time

Now I live with happiness around me

With the Woman and the guy

The people who are glad to see me smile

The woman was my mother

And the Guy was my ______________.

The last part I did write something on the page...but that is something that is yet or will not come...who knows...its for me to find out and for you to keep guessing...Until then


Sunday, January 2, 2011


Grace Unrelenting
by Sean Goh - Copyright © 2010 New Creation Church

(Click Title to Access Video)

Ever-faithful Lord
Who calms the storms in my heart and soul
Through the winds and waves
You are there reaching out to me

You see me as I am
And there's nowhere I can hide from You
Or from the love You gave
You gave everything

Love everlasting
Grace unrelenting
Pursued me from the start and arrested my heart
You've overwhelmed me with Your tender mercies
Now everything I am lives to worship You

I live to worship You (repeart to fade)

"Love everlasting
Grace unrelenting
Pursued me from the start and arrested my heart"

There is no greater love than the love of our Father. We his princesses deserve to be pursued and needs to be arrested.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


(click title for video access)
(TRAVIE McCOY ft. Bruno Mars)

Last night we had a ladies night (PUMP ROOM) it was a good feeling doing such break free moments once in a while ( doing it once a year actually). I was on the dance floor with all the adrenaline rush caused by your desire to celebrate the bounty that life brings you and to escape for once from the binding responsibilities, glued priorities and prompting focus. All sort of genre of Music being played drastically and every person that surrounds me were simply enjoying after their stressful day at work, the room was so diverse, Caucasians, Eurosians, Asians and many more were hanging around. When this song (BILLIONAIRE) was played everybody in the room sang with it (HEARTFELT) giving the impression that so many people, no make that almost all people in the room desires to be a Billionaire, EVEN I for that matter. After the 3 songs I sat and reflected in AWE that people work so hard to acquire the bounty of this EARTHLY WORLD, at first to be able to provide for their basic needs such as food, shelter clothing until it escalates to providing themselves properties be it from the latest gadgets to big infrastructures or business entities tantamount to an enormous value of assets (monetary or properties) . The range of demands and wants of people also evolve through time as there are quantum leaps in the discovery and development in science and technology.
When I got home I can't stop thinking of the song Billionaire it keeps playing on my mind the last song syndrome as others would tag it. I searched for the lyrics, the content (lyrics) indeed is amazing as amazing as its melody and I quote " And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was Eating good sleeping soundly I KNOW WE ALL HAVE A SIMILAR DREAM" Only and if only all of those people who desires to be a Billionaire will have the same intentions its not bad after all to want for more in this mundane. Collect your richness here on earth while owning your richness in HIS KINGDOM.

And to quote what Robert Kiyosaki (Millionaire) and Donald Trump (Billionaire) believe:
Those who have the gold have the rules so: First get the gold, when you have the gold you have the power, when you have the power you have the power to implement the real golden rule: DO UNTO OTHERS WHAT YOU WANT OTHERS TO DO UNTO TO YOU... Just like in the MOVIE " PAY IT FORWARD"

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BOTTOMLINE...DREAM and CONTINUE LIVING THE DREAM by reaching for it for GOD's GLORY and GOD's GLORY means spreading HIS LOVE... L-O-V-E. And it is with LOVING one GIVES...Kindness is a produce of Love.

ENJOY the song...click the tile to access the video.
( Whew I never imagined partying hard can get this reflective...lol)

[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire

[Travis "Travie" McCoy]
Yeah I would have a show like Oprah
I would be the host of, everyday Christmas
Give Travie a wish list
I’d probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt
And adopt a bunch of babies that ain’t never had sh-t
Give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this
And last but not least grant somebody their last wish
Its been a couple months since I’ve single so
You can call me Travie Claus minus the Ho Ho
Get it, hehe, I’d probably visit where Katrina hit
And damn sure do a lot more than FEMA did
Yeah can’t forget about me stupid
Everywhere I go Imma have my own theme music

Travie Mccoy Billionaire lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com/travie-mccoy-billionaire-lyrics.html

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire

[Travis "Travie" McCoy]
I’ll be playing basketball with the President
Dunking on his delegates
Then I’ll compliment him on his political etiquette
Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
But keep the fives, twentys (?) completely separate
And yeah I’ll be in a whole new tax bracket
We in recession but let me take a crack at it
I’ll probably take whatevers left and just split it up
So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
Eating good sleeping soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
Go in your pocket pull out your wallet
And put it in the air and sing

[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
I wanna be a billionaire so frickin bad!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


(click TITLE to access video)
Performed by Carrie Underwood

( it's nice to take a break from the haste and noise of our busy streets; chill in the middle of a hectic day. Amazingly appreciating life even though you feel misplaced...succumb to a world where you can be wild and free...create your own dreamworld far harmonious with your desires....escape through relaxation and meditation...here is a soundtrack by Carrie Underwood whom she actually co-written...Truly inspiring and reviving....Come and make your own fairytale...INDEED WE CAN BE THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF ANYTHING IF WE...BELIEVE... )


There’s a place out there for us
more than just a prayer or anything we ever dreamed of.
So if you feel like giving up cause you don’t fit in down here,
fear is crashing in, close your eyes and take my hand.

We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.
It’s written in the stars that shine above,
a world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong,
exactly who we are is just enough
yes there’s a place for us, there’s a place for us.

when the water meets the sky,
where your heart is free and hope comes back to life,
where these broken hands are whole again,
we will find what we’ve been waiting for,
we were made for so much more

We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.
It’s written in the stars that shine above,
a world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong,
exactly who we are is just enough,
yes there’s a place for us, now there’s a place for us

So hold on, now hold on,
there’s a place for us

We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.
It’s written in the stars that shine above,
a world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong,
exactly who we are is just enough, exactly who we are is just enough,
there’s a place for us.


Let's take a detour from the unraveling of the author's Pandora's box...Instead let's enjoy her every Sunday fishing of reflections and collection of God's word and messages...Her idea of being revived, rejuvenated, refreshed and reborn...December 12,2010...Her Daddy's Message to her
(the bunny is named HAPPY...a gift received on her 23rd birthday)

I am always tagged as someone with a fervent, bubbly and jovial personality, yeah indeed that's me alright. The life of the party as others would say; there is never-a-dull-moment-when-your-with-her kind of regard; most people would laugh in my presence...It may be my personality as others would justify, but the enthusiasm is MY CHOICE- its my way of life and its ME. Without JOY I am not me. But laughing out loud is not the sole exhibition of joy or happiness, even a simple contented smile will do to express that joy or happiness. It is even found within and radiated with our outward acts towards others. Better yet its A CHOICE...

Today when I attended church ( this is the church where it made me fall in love with GOD's word even more, it made me embrace God's word far more than the works of literature but as my daily guide paving the path to a righteous life...HIS GRACE) and the message today is " NEVER GIVE AWAY YOUR JOY"

It's very easy to find reason to be joyful each day if you want to: appreciating God's creation, His gift of life; His gift of person and for the opportunity to experience His love once more because of a new day; and yet if you are bound to the realities of this world where adversities, hurdles and challenges are present smite by evil rulings your GRIP to the Joy is drained, sucked out until its gone...reaching to a point you find no reason to smile...Others choose to live out of it which makes them eventually grumpy, callous and irate while others allow themselves to be consumed by these thus turn out to be vulnerable, soft and weak...Another, even with the absence of challenges, this time emotions specifically anger. Most of us have poor anger/temper management, we have tendencies to retaliate and get even to those whom we deem interfered our peace, stepped on our rights and those who offended us ( from talking behind our backs to stealing something important from us). These disturb us and crack us, we eventually flame up and breathe fire... ( for imagination sake like a overheated-teapot whistling this is far more acceptable than a fire-breathing dragon..hahahhahaha: now on to the show) ... These may be reasons to forget how to smile,to be unfamiliar of the sensation (a tinge in your belly that cause a boisterous laughter), or not even spell the word Joy.

Realities caused by evil forces may be devastating, may put to test or shatter our JOYFUL STANCE our REJOICING our CELEBRATION...These circumstances remind us TO HOLD ON UNTO HIM... and by this I mean this :

Matthew 11:28-30 " Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you ( YOKE: is the equipment that fastens two ox together) , and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find REST unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

With Joy in our hearts there is content; there is LETTING GO and LETTING IT BE; SURRENDERING...Oh I know what's the perfect word... REST... RESTING IN HIM...YOU WILL EXPERIENCE YOUR BALANCE...you will be surprised you will keep your COOL...

KNOWING GOD IS WORKING WHEN YOU ARE RESTING... and that Your Daddy will never leave you nor forsake you...YOU FIND EVERY REASON to SMILE and be JOYOUS...REJOICING in HIS NAME and HIS GLORY...

-In every unfortunate events, there is always a valuable lesson REASON for you to be happy and be grateful
- In every dark tunnel there is always an end REASON to be HAPPY
- In every storm there is always a rainbow after it REASON to be HAPPY
( you can name few more...)

AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED... Even if I fail, hurt, stumble, fall, feel awkward, unwanted or even rejected...these are not enough REASON TO GIVE AWAY MY JOY...You Might forget...I'M GRACE... I LIVE A LIFE UNDER HIS GRACE....REASON- TO BE HAPPY EVERYDAY.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Fairy Tale amidst My Reality (DAY DREAM)

About: This was written by the author when she was a freshman in her secondary school, she is fond of day dreaming and then one day decided to grab herself a diary where she poured out all her thoughts to express the bounty and beauty of her imagination, all the more her emotions: Period: Approaching Puberty) Uncut version: preserved

In fairytales dreams do come true; in movies relationship works out but ends up in tragedy; fairytales are fantasy’s artwork; movies are reality’s masterpiece based on true stories and possibilities. Confused at all, because I am a woman, a young lady that is, that survives in dreams; and a believer of fantasies for in my dreams everything seems to be real; everything I aspire turns out to be possible to reach. And yet if I open my eyes, I’m in a place laid physically where I find it impossible for I am not blessed with a face of an angel, a beautiful contoured body, but if my eyes are closed deep in my heart I feel extraordinary; I feel no competition; I see my uniqueness. That is why I prefer to close my eyes most of the time as I embrace myself as God’s creation. With that I learn to appreciate myself, thanks to a world that forever exists in my heart.

One starry night pass by a breeze of an unusual dream drop by, accompanied by a face that seemed to be a stranger in my sight but very familiar in my heart. It continues to visit and haunt me every hour of the day where the heavens are covered with indigo. I cannot help myself but to hope that it will come true, but half of me tells me I’m afraid. I cannot understand it at first, I thought for a moment, dreaming isn’t so bad anyway, so why should I be afraid? Then as my dreams continue, I realized that my greatest fear was knowing that the heart of the stranger whom I learned to love is entangled to someone else's heart if knowing he exist, if ever he would, if ever.

An unexpected day came, I saw a familiar face approached and said hello, it was a prince who came back, rescued me and woke me up from my long sleep; and brought me into his palace, and brought me back into a place I really do exist. REALITY.

At first I felt like I’m in heaven, all he ever wanted was my happiness, there is no moment he would never check on me. I learned to love him as I love myself; I thought I am saved; I thought he is the one for me. Until a call was received by him, he needed to go back to his place; I felt I was hit by a lightning; it felt like I’m carrying the world unto my back empathizing to all people. I cried almost a bucket but I even cried harder like a baby and all almost drown the world when a few months he called me and told me he is married.

I felt like I was betrayed at the same time forsaken. My greatest fear came. It feels like someone lend him to me but never hold him; someone gave him to me but never have him; someone let me borrow him but never keep him; someone allowed me to taste it but never eat it; someone permitted me to glimpse upon him but never look at him; SOMEONE LET ME TOUCH HIM BUT NEVER HELD HIM IN MY OWN ARMS.

Fancy Love is a joke, make-believe-destiny and fate are tricks that are brought by a game of life. But true love and grabbing an opportunity is the real road.

Life is indeed real and true coupled with dreams and aspirations. In my case fantasy exist in my world, a world that everything is possible. My dream came true yet ended up in tragedy. A fairytale and a movie that can be my life.

(She continues to write on the pages of her diary, scribbled and created stories that came across her idle moments, her moments where she day dream.)

